The story of Atlanta Catchball begins in 2015 with local women's simple desire to connect, socialize and improve their way of life.

A chance encounter with the game of Catchball Intrigued a group of women and sparked something special. They started meeting on a weekly casual basis, but before long the Catchball charm took hold, and the women discovered it offers more than just friendly competition; it fostered a healthy lifestyle and gave a place to form strong social bonds and friendships.

Word spread like wildfire, and women from across the area yearned to join this unique social-recreational activity. Soon, the first official Atlanta team, Peach Perfect, formed, and with it the Atlanta Catchball League foundations. 

As practice sessions intensified, a competitive spirit was ignited and with it a quest for challenge.

The local team was introduced to The USA Catchball Association (USACA), the professional entity for Catchball in the US. The USACA brough with it new opportunities for growth, development and training. The level of play skyrocketed and the love for Catchball blossomed further. New teams emerged, and a league structure materialized. 

Atlanta became a thriving location for Catchball and the league offers year-round practices. Remarkably, Catchball around the nation developed in unison and Catchball become one of the fastest-growing adult women's sports nationwide.

The most miraculous thing about Catchball is the way its impact transcends the field. 

The sport fosters a vibrant strong community that unites women from diverse backgrounds, creates lifelong friendships, promotes women empowerment and creates a unique sanctuary that improves mental health and self-esteem in women.

The story of Atlanta Catchball is the best testament to the power, impact and opportunity Catchball holds in affecting women, their well-being, their mental health and for their community as a whole.